This year, the National Association of People With AIDS (NAPWA) will be hosting the 6th annual Mayors Campaign Against HIV. Approximately 200 Mayors are requested to support National HIV Testing Day (NHTD) by hosting HIV testing campaigns in their cities, conducting press conferences to discuss local HIV testing resources, or issuing proclamations in support on NHTD. NAPWA will not only partner with Mayors throughout the United States, but also collaborates with Congressional lawmakers.
For the fourth year in a row, NAPWA and U.S. Representative Barbara Lee (D-CA) will host a press conference on U.S. Capitol grounds to focus attention on the HIV epidemic and the need for those at risk for HIV to get tested.
Moreover, to assure communities have the resources to mount an effective HIV testing campaign, NAPWA makes available materials to local health departments, community clinics, and other community-based organizations that participate in NHTD. NAPWA also will host a comprehensive Skills Building Institute to share successful promotional techniques for HIV Awareness Day Events.
For more information, contact NAPWA at 240-247-0880.